Glycerin Rectal Suppositories

Glycerin Rectal Suppositories

Glycerin rectal suppositories are a very common over-the-counter solution to constipation. Here’s what you need to know about them:


Purpose and Function


    • They are mostly used to relieve constipation for example once in a while.


    • They cause more water to flow into your intestines, indirectly making stool soft and moving it out of the large colon.


    • They often take effect from 15 minutes to 1 hour after administration.


How to Use


    • First, unwrap the suppository if at all it is inside the cover of a wrapper.


    • If the suppository is dry, dampen it with a little water.


    • Insert it into rectum (Place it where you are directed to; usually about 1 inch depth)


    • Whenever possible, try to keep it inside the rectum for 15-20 minutes.




    • Instant, brief relief from constipation


    • Most adults and children are usually secure while using it.


    • A serious side effect like progesterone only in a pregnant woman is only allowed with a doctor’s order.


Potential Side Effects


    • Itching and skin sores can be the result of glycerin applied rectally.


    • Some may feel a sensation of a sting or a burn at the insertion site, which will probably improve.


    • Pain can be a result of rectal glycerin.


Do not forget to get your doctor’s advice first, especially for giving these small things to babies.  No changes in textarea, content is sent to server!

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