Introduction Suppositories, though often overlooked, are a versatile and effective form of medication delivery. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of suppositories, exploring their types, benefits, common uses, administration techniques, and...
Introduction to Suppositories
Introduction to Suppositories Suppositories are solid dosage forms intended for insertion into body cavities where they dissolve and exert their therapeutic effects. This unique mode of delivery allows for medication absorption through the mucosal membranes of the...
Glycerin Rectal Suppositories
Glycerin rectal suppositories are a very common over-the-counter solution to constipation. Here's what you need to know about them: Purpose and Function They are mostly used to relieve constipation for example once in a while. They cause more...
Rectal Suppository: Positions, Tips, and Side Effects
Positions for Insertion To insert a suppository into the rectum when you are lying with your knees pulled to your chest Same position as the first one but standing with one leg up on a chair Kneeling on all fours with the body and the anal area in...
Types of Suppositories
A vast range of suppositories is available for the different uses and places of administration of them. There are four primary types. These are the main types that are about: 1. Rectal Suppositories Inserted in the rectum Usual indications:...
The term “suppository” denotes any round or conic shape medicine that is designed to be placed into any body cavity with the intention that it will dissolve or melt and release medication into the body cavity. Suppositories are mostly administered into the rectum for...